Ok so here is the most classic story ever. So at the wedding dinner we are supposed to stand up and give our advice, so my advice to the lovely bride and groom was "hide your car, hide it well". Tyler was being pretty cocky about it and said we'd never find it. So the next day we were at the reception and Liz, Laur, Bryce and I decided we would get the car if it was the last thing we did, so of course it was not at the reception place. Bryce circled the surrounding streets for a good 45 minutes before the reception started... nothing... but Bryce and I remembered that Tyler had a friend named Brad who lived downtown. So we figure at least it's a start. So Liz went to Colleen to try to remember his name from wedding invitations, which she sort of did, then we called Troy who was still at home to try to look him up on the yellow pages on the internet and we found a sort of address, so finally when the dancing started (and it would be less likely we'd be missed) me and Liz and Bryce went on off to check out this random lead... pretty stupid right?? EXCEPT THE CAR WAS THERE!!! It was totally awesome. I haven't had so much fun since.... forever! Ha me and Liz were like running through the halls of walmart in our little matching dresses for our goods. I wish I had a picture of the car, but we were running late so we had to bail fast. Suffice it to say we were pretty happy with ourselves, and we got back before Ty or Alex noticed so they had no clue!
Anyway, below are some wedding pics, I (regrettably) forgot my camera in San Jose and the only pics I have are these that Laur was so kind as to email me, but they aren't very good quality... Oh well...
The wedding was so much fun though, Alex was a BEAUTIFUL bride and I am so happy that they are married forever! Congratulations guys! :)
This picture was retarded. Ha.
so cute! and i love your curly hair! :) told ya it would curl!
WOW!! Alex is BEAUTIFUL.. and Jess you are stunning! Wow I feel like I haven't laid eyes on you in SO long...pretty sure Greg & Abby's reception was the last time!! I love you, CALL ME!!
Hooray!!! Happy for them Alex really does look great! If I look half as good as you or she did on my wedding day I will be more than content! Ha the bridesmaid dresses are super cute too. I hope to see you ASAyou get home!
Jess you looked so beautiful at the wedding! Alex was gorgeous too!! That was the cutest little wedding. I can't believe you were so close to me in Utah. Ha! I need a hair trim, but it is getting so long! THank you for noticing. it makes me feel good inside. Jess I can't wait for the first Y game. We are going to have so much fun! Ah I cannot wait to see you! I shall call you on the morrow to discuss the important things in life. Love you!
ha ha YES definitly a classic story, I love it! And she is a most BEAU-tiful bride! I love you and had the best time talking to you today! Can't wait to see you next week!
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