With my head on the pillow, smiling my head off, literally ten seconds ago, because I can't go to sleep, because I'm so excited, because we get to come home!!!!! By the way everyone who I have told that we would be rolling in on Wednesday (Cass, Sarah, Syb, Michael Anne, Abby) it will now be Sunday!!!! Ha. Three whole days earlier than expected. We are so excited that we don't even care that we have to pack up the majority of our possessions yet again this summer and load them into a car and drive 12 hours! Wahoo! Anywho I think I am going to go back to bed now but I love Utah and I love Bryce and I am so excited.
Post Script:
Things we decided we will miss about California:
-our enormous walk in closet
-in & out
-our sweet appartment in general
-a million pools
-our stone friends (katy, soph, kory and marianne)
mmmm... I think that's it. We just didn't want you to think that we hated it here because it was a really great opportunity and adventure for us but we're just ready to be home!
Yay you're going home early! I felt so bad that you guys had to stick around! well, you better call me when you get back...we need to float the river! :)
i am bummed we never played while you were up here...however...i tagged you in the 'i am' poem thing.
hope everything is going great for the two of you!! love you!!
Yay you are back lets hang out!!
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