Holy cow. So cabins are the best thing ever. Oh my goodness, especially the Anderson's cabin! (GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INVITING US!!! Again? Lol.) Seriously though it was so fun! Me, Bryce, Ab and Greg and Daniel and Christine headed up to the cabin on Friday night in time to build our fire and roast hot dogs and have yummy dinner! Then Bryce (it was so cute he was just like a little boy in a candy shop) threw Greg's knife at the tree like a tomahawk and lost it in the river, so that is what the river searching picture is, don't worry though, we found it! Ha. Then we went on a walk around Sundance and got suckers that were sooo yummy! Then we went back in time to catch the end of the game and played games all night and then we watched baby mama and had hot chocolate! It was the best night ever! The next morning we woke up ate pancakes, then we played horseshoes and Bryce got a double ringer! Lol, it was very exciting. Then the boys went out fishing and Bryce caught a fish! Pretty much this place was like a second heaven for him and everyone! It was soooooo much fun! Thanks so much for this amazing time !!!! You guys are our best friends ever! I am so happy for you and i'm so happy that things are turning out just like we always planned! Haha. Love you Abs.
Oh, I can see a little pooch on Abby! It is very cute! I also love all the suckers haha. You look too darn cute jess. Miss ya!
Wow this looks like so much fun! I want to go next time!!! (abby.. hint)
How fun is this? Ha i'm with sarah, I want in next time. Even if I don't have a husband can I still be invited? :) Jess I miss you. When can I see you??? Loves.
Looks like a blast! You guys are such cute married couples, I love it! I'm with court and sar, I want to go next time ab! Love you jess!
This sounds like a blast Jess! I miss seeing you, but Fall will be here soon and we will be back in Provo visiting you often!
Jess! this post made me so happy. Now i need to write about it. I'm glad you are on top of things. We have to do that again. Call me back by the way! We love you guys and miss you. We need to do something asap!
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