I am thankful for my body. Pregnancy & childbirth have completely changed the way I feel about and look at my body. Even though I am still not back to where I was before getting pregnant, I don't feel bitter at myself. I don't feel like less of a person. I don't wish I had someone else's body. Although I do have my insecure moments (I am still a woman after all), overall I feel much more gratitude for my body. The things it can do are incredible. My body was able to single handedly nurture Luke in the womb, deliver him to this earth, feed him for his first four months of life, run on little to no sleep & still entice my loving husband :). As I have started to work out again I appreciate the feeling of being "sore" and working to strengthen this body, not to look just like somebody else, but to reach my fullest potential and to help my body perform all the daunting tasks the future may hold for us.
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