Our 2009:
Basketball: This winter we (emphasis on the Bryce in that) played on an intermural coed basketball team. It was so much fun. I mostly played the position of scorekeeper because I am the teams weakest link, so to speak. Well, the team did really well, all the sudden we were at the championship game and Kendal was no where to be found and there I was....all dressed to play... I had to play the entire first half and a little of the second half and despite my presence WE WON!!! We finally got our sweet t-shirts (pictures to be posted later) Thanks to Lizzie, Kendal, Benji, Whitney and Brian, that was so much fun!
School: We are both GRADUATED--FROM COLLEGE! Isn't that weird? I realize now that I only really planned my life up to this point haha. Bryce graduated in Business Management with an emphasis in Finance and I graduated in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing.
Work: Bryce finished up work with the airline zone (which was a great opportunity, thanks Daryll) and is moving on to work for Goldman Sachs. We leave for training in New York on January 18th and will return home on March 27th! We are so excited for this incredible opportunity and can't wait for Mike and Chris to show us the city. So far Goldman has been AMAZING and we feel so blessed to have such a great job in these hard economic times.
Marriage: This Sunday we will have been married for two years! Isn't that insane? It has undoubtedly been the best two years of our lives, and we hope to say the same about each consequent set of two years to follow. Bryce is the best husband anyone could ever ask for, people remind me of it all the time, as if I didn't realize it myself. He is ALWAYS a selfless, hardworking and God-fearing man, and I pray every night I can learn to be more like him.
We are so thankful for all our blessings at this wonderful time of year, especially the gift of our Savior's atonement and our friends and family. We are thinking of you and are grateful for you. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Jessica and Bryce Bailey
this is great! love you two merry christmas :) and we need to do that double before you leave for NY!!!
this is so great! thanks for the update!! you two are adorable!!
K so first of all I am SO SUPER JEALOUS you are moving to New York! that will be so awesome. You will have to let me know how that goes. And congrats on graduating. That seems like it just flew by and I am sure you love being done. Keep us posted and good luck! Love ya!
Happy Anniversary!!!
jessica I miss you already
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